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TThe BLM's draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (D-SEIS) public comment period has closed. The Ambler Access Project appreciates all of the feedback and input submitted to the BLM on this document. This feedback will help BLM continue to move forward and re-instate the right-of-way (ROW) for this crucial Path to Opportunity. We understand that the BLM will be issuing a final SEIS in Spring 2024.


In 1980, the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) was passed that aimed to strike a balance between preserving Alaska lands while also providing opportunities for continued economic development. One of those balances included the provisions in the Act for a transportation right-of-way (ROW) across the newly established Gates of the Arctic National Park to known mineral resources in the Upper Kobuk region. In 2020, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) completed the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) that enabled the issuance of the ROW. In 2022, the ROW was rescinded after lawsuits were filed by opposition to the road based on alleged deficiencies in the EIS. Last fall the BLM initiated a new Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to address the deficiencies. The draft SEIS was available for public review and comment through December 22, 2023 and the BLM is now considering all of the comments as it prepares the final document. The AAP is committed to keeping Alaskans informed about the on-going status of the project, please continue to visit the project homepage at http://ambleraccess.org for project updates.

For more information on the AAP's key takeaways from on the incomplete analyses contained within the draft SEIS, click here or see the following document